Jon Arne established Balder tannklinikk As in 2002, after working in a community of practice with the dentists Strandin & Bjørnstad. He is an experienced dentist and has worked a lot with "dental fear". Jon Arne has special expertise in sedation/lying gas and has treated/treats many patients under anaesthesia. He also has special expertise in implant treatment and is approved for implant treatments with support from HELFO (reimbursement). Jon Arne has held a number of courses for other dentists in laser-assisted treatment. He has been a national delegate for ISOLA, leader of the Praksiseierforeningen and is now a central shop steward in the Dental Association.
Jon Arne is very interested in new technology and has a background in engineering studies at Industrial Economics NTH/NTNU Trondheim. He wrote his master's thesis at NTNU for the Department of Technology Management.
University of Vienna
Studied the use of oral lasers by Prof. Mortitz, ESOLA, Modul1 & 2
University of Oslo
Studied at the Faculty of Odontology in Oslo (Dentistry)
NTH, Trondheim
Studied Industrial economics with data as an engineering subject.